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Craig Curk

Craig Curk - Working with Surface Mount Technology

Surface mount devices, or SMDs, are an important element in creating industrial and commercial products. Working with small electrical components, Craig Curk knows that working with the proper specialized equipment is necessary. This technology has made giant strides over time as products become smaller, and he recommends keeping the following in mind while working with these machines.

  • Working with bright lights in the work area will help the components look larger than they actually are, a helpful method to avoid mistakes. Consider at least a 100-watt bulb for your desk lamp, and a swing-arm model can be useful to illuminate the floor when you drop something. Keeping a magnet close at hand to recover lost parts is always a good idea, too.
  • Working on a white surface will help contrast the components to give you a better visual on your tasks. A 4X magnifying glass or watchmaker’s loupe will help you see all parts at a reasonable size.
  • Take every precaution to ensure that your components remain in sight. Do not eat or drink anything in your workspace and keep all parts away from the edges of your desk to avoid dropping something that may take a good deal of time to recover. Do not allow pets or children in this area.
  • Always use safety goggles and the appropriate tools.

Craig Curk has served as the national sales manager since 2005 at ACE Production Technologies, a company specializing in top-of-the-line surface mount equipment. He currently owns QC Electronics and is dedicated to providing customers with the best equipment and service.


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